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If you are employed in Germany, part of your monthly salary will be paid into the state's pension fund. When you retire, you will then be paid a state pension from this fund. However, state pensions are often not quite enough to maintain the life style you've enjoyed before retirement.

This is why starting to save early for your retirement can be one of the most important financial plans to make. For more information, speak to one of our advisers.  


This section contains answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about saving for retirement.

To protect your current life style and family in the long run, there are three basic pension levels to consider.

1. Basic pension

This is the minimum pension level and comprises of the state pension, various other pension funds and the Rürup pension scheme, which comes with special tax benefits for freelancers and the self-employed.

2. Voluntary occupational and personal schemes

The second pension level comprises voluntary personal and occupational pension schemes, which are subsidised through the Retirement Savings Act and Retirement Income Act. Under these schemes, you are regularly paying into a pension fund and at the same time benefit from state subsidies. These schemes can also be extended to include your entire family.

3. Personal pension funds

The third pension level comprises of all of the pension funds that are not state-subsidised. These funds are of interest to people who prefer a more flexible approach to saving for their retirement than is possible under the voluntary occupational or the basic state pension scheme.

Good advice

Saving for your retirement is really quite easy and should ideally be started as soon as possible, even if it's just small amounts, to gradually build up more substantial savings for your retirement. Retirement saving advice will always be tailored to your specific circumstances and is sure to be a big help. Why not give it a try?

It's in the balance

We offer a range of retirement savings plans to meet a variety of individual needs. Why not talk to one of our advisers to get the balance of your retirement savings just right.

Sparkassen Rürup Pension

Anyone can purchase a Rürup pension, although it is intended primarily for the self-employed. This pension scheme comes with a number of tax reliefs and can be set up to include your whole family.

Sparkassen Riester Pension

For a relaxed retirement:
This pension scheme comes with a number of government bonuses and various retirement savings options to suit your personal needs.

Occupational Pension

A convenient way to generate extra savings for your retirement by saving a portion of your gross salary every month. This means that you will be paying less tax and National Insurance Contributions.

Happy to help

We all wish for a carefree life – in particular as we get older. Planning ahead and saving for your retirement will allow you to enjoy your retirement to the full.

Our  pension schemes include a number of additional schemes not listed here. To find out more about them, please contact one of our advisers.  

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Always here for you
Get in touch04921 806-0Mo. - Mi. von 9.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr, Do. von 9.00 - 18.00 und Fr. 9.00 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr
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